EXPLANATION & registration of sessions

Networks awareness 

The Networks Awareness session covers the general architecture of the assets that provide services to our modern day society. 

Topics of discussion in general: 

.  Avoiding damage to underground and above-ground assets
∙  Asset owners information response
  Onsite paper work requirements 
∙  The Duty of care for planning 
∙  Your obligations when working near vital assets
∙  The make and type of the network voids.

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Plan Awareness

The Plan Awareness presentation is an interactive session, designed in understanding:

• Various categories of assets & their owners in Australia
• The types of plans sent to the industry
• Supporting material that comes with the plans
• The importance of engagement
• Limitation of asset plans
• Requirements of the duty of care


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damage investigation 

Underground assets strikes occur on a daily basis across Australia. The need to properly investigate the incident in a timely manner is critical for future damage prevention, safety purposes and cost recovery

This 2 hours seminar covers the basics requirements on a damaged site, which include:

  • Focus on the breach of the duty of care that resulted in the underground strike
  • The processes and procedures involved in locating and protecting the underground assets before a damage
  • The breaches of the duty of Care
  • Working Safely once an underground strike occurs
  • Involvement of the staff onsite during a damage investigation
  • Three main pillars of underground damage investigation that is common to all damage locations.

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duty of care

The Duty of Care is one of the critical pillars in the damage (avoidance and prevention) of assets. It is the basic building block of an expert reports on incidents.


This 2 hour presentation solely focusing on the 6Ps and how they should be implemented in the scope of planning, designing and actual physical work onsite.  

  1. Plan
  2. Prepare
  3. Pothole
  4. Protect
  5. Proceed
  6. Plot


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